28 October 2008


The way Springs Alive Children's Centre (SPACC) started was a result of the need that was in the surrounding community. Many children used and still remain in their homes; some children who are able bodied are taken to do field work. The incapacity of these children's going to school is mainly as a result of the guardians and parents of these children saying they cannot afford the school fees of the nearby schools, let alone the long distances these children travel, the hunger the children have to endure all the day while at school, to mention but a few. SPACC was started with the objective of meeting some of the needs of these children, including, Educating them and where possible avail vocational skills.I have been telling people who think that SPACC is among the several businesses that have come up to compete with other schools, this is, as usual business of all sort tends to be having competitors and economically this is termed as healthy, even in politics, a Nation to be termed democratic has to have Multi disciplines.

I have told people who think we are competitors with them, that even if SPACC was not in existence, that is, if Springs Alive stopped having children at SPACC, still there would be need for this kind of service in our community. We are here to work together, to reach out to those who are incapable and not to be viewed as a threat, who works toward having other schools bring their children to our school, wanting them to close their businesses etc. Within Springs Alive as an Organization, we have come up with several Divisions, these include; Education Division, Peace and Conflict studies Division, Health Division, Research Division, Environment Division and Collaboration Division.It's within the Education Division that Springs Alive has developed links with several Educational Institutions as a way of being supportive to each other. In this way Springs Alive Education Division makes links with willing Educational Institutions in order to enhance learning from each other even with the international linkages SPACC creates.SPACC with its humble setting has continued to thrive, “a day at a time” and this is mainly attributed to the support Wakiso District Administration has given Springs Alive, even as far as recommending Springs Alive management to make links with the Centre Coordinating Tutor (CCT) Office with which we at SPACC intend to set up an exchange learning centre as a way of promoting learning exchange. The roles of the CCT are in the linkThe CCT office is within operating catchment as SPACC and we have together purposed to work hand-in-hand so that Educational levels in our community are uplifted.It isn't surprising that such kind of initiative is often being welcomed in many different localities, given the kind of development Uganda as a Nation is in.

The chairman Springs Alive on many occasions has been approached in order to have such an idea in other localities and has sighted financial constraints, no logistical support yet for Springs Alive to support such initiatives, as some of the barriers. We always keep record of such interactions and given time Springs Alive will be able to reach them.Among the few we have reached out, which we are still developing and working on closely include; starting a business research centre with Multitech Business School(we created multitech blog check it on http://www.multitech-mbs.blogspot.com) we have had an interaction with Kigoogwa Brain Trust Senior Secondary School, we also have high hopes of having an integration with OTA(Outreach to Africa)-on supporting needy students and children.


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