04 August 2011


This has been the most interesting event in the history of Springs Alive children’s centre(SPACC),when the chief Administrator of SPACC visited the “first world” for an exchange visit, this was so great!!

We very much extend our gratitude to the government of United Kingdom, whitkirk Primary school staff, parents and guardians for enabling us come to this great achievement.

It was a great pleasure to see how our dear fellow pupils answered the questions we set for them and we were so challenged to see their answers, given the geography of different countries.
When Mr. Martin returned from the trip, he told us a lot about Europe and what he saw there and is making a lot of effort to see that somethings apply here at SPACC and Uganda at large.
For example the treatment of children, he said, the way he saw pupils being handled there is so different from the way we handle children here in Uganda. There is a lot that has been done to encourage pupils to learn. Sometimes a parent is in class helping supervise some pupils while they are having a lesson. It’s very hard for a teacher to be absent without giving a reason! Children are persuaded to come to school regardless of the challenges. We have promised our partners that we will be sending them online lessons since their classes are connected to the internet.

There very small children are taught to do things themselves like washing uniforms, making their beds, not wetting the bed, children there are taught to become responsible citizens at a very early age. Morals are inbuilt in their curriculum, in otherwords one grows up knowing that corruption is bad, lying is immoral, and there is need for fairness to enable peaceful living. While in Denmark he was taken to various places and the most notable one was where the last witch of Denmark was hacked!

Government’s involvement there have been tremendous toward support to their citizens to learn about what goes on in the world, for instance in Uganda you can hardly find a free internet café, there are very many accidents that are as a result of walking along high ways but in Britain and Europe generally, people don’t walk on highways but have other roads they use.
Parents are well educated to help their children get the necessary support they may require; in addition most parents have an income and ensure that their children get extra help at home or during holidays in order to compensate for the poor quality of education at school. The type of infrastructure that is available for the pupils there enables them to discover things themselves, let alone the child-centred learning. The time he was there he neither saw a home without electricity nor a black-out. Tap water is well treated and a healthy drink! He saw more vehicles on the roads than the people walking but no traffic jam!

Much attention is put on the way mothers and wives are treated, the local governments there know their jobs. The chief administrator has made attempts to approach some local governments while in Europe so that we can borrow a leaf or two while here in Uganda.

We found out that if you have a project you are pursuing with a partner in Europe, it can easily be supported since it is facilitating learning exchange. We have also noted that given the recession, there are many programmes that are now tailored toward giving support locally and not internationally.

We will be conducting sensitization seminars if time and other necessary resources allow in order to educate our communities and most especially Parents and teachers, some of these finding, so that we can adapt them.

See related links to this story(copy and paste the links in new browser,if link fails to open when clicked):


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Anonymous said...

very interesting indeed x

carol lefrancois (corazonlove) said...

It's about time someone care =)